The Bless of Emperor... - Jerry , 21.03.1999 22:12 MSK
The Bless of Emperor
One day, the fearless man called Ghent was leading EQ
group at Island. Everybody mentioned in their gjobs whatever
they wanted, and our fearless leader led us to the mob that had the thing on himself...
As long as HellMaster was the only person rerolling and
the only cleric prime there, he chose Emperor's Crown and
Hexes there...
After cycling Emperor all day, Emperor had following things on himself:
Emperor's Crown - 1
Hex Token - 3
But, at the time that Emperor popped the Crown, HellMaster
wasn't in group(maybe he left to eat, or go for a walk with
his cat, etc.), and the Crown went to Nuke. What about hexes
? HellMaster took 'em all...

Next day, HellMaster dispelled his fear, and went rerolling...And....HE GOT HIS STATS...
As long as he didn't need anymore tokens, he gave one to Calibar and Aahz, and both of them said they will keep the
The bless of the Emperor's tokens made people happy...

Thanks for listening,

Jerry a.k.a HellMaster
   The Bless of Emperor... - Jerry , 21.03.1999 22:12 MSK