Re: +1 SP! - Kein , 31.01.2000 08:58 MSK
: Ploo 11M to go (level: 40)
: Your levels: Ma: 40 Cl: 40 Th: 27 Wa: 38
: You are 32 years old.
: You are a citizen of Settlestone.
: You are rotten to the core.
: You have 648(683) hit, 375(552) mana and 183(183) movement points.
: Your armor class is 5.2.
: You have +5 to hit and +5 on damage.
: You have 123553 gold coins.
: You have 244537911 unused experience points.
: =================================================
: You have been playing for -128 days and 1 hours.
: =================================================
: Str: 18 / 100, Int: 18, Wis: 18, Dex: 13, Con: 16
: You are sleeping.
: You are affected by the following spells:
: Detect Invisible
: Resist Fire
: Strength

Это у них shortint (short integer) на время:)))
   +1 SP! - Dan , 29.01.2000 18:55 MSK