Re: Вопрос - :) , 01.07.2000 20:16 MSK
You are Nom 150mr / 510 mana
Mortal levels: Cl: 40 Ma: 40 Wa: 30 Th: 15
You are 29 years old. Playing time is 20 days and 21 hours.
You are currently a citizen of Tupelo.
You are neutral. (Alignment: 1)
You have 756/756 hit, 510/510 mana and 154/154 movement points.
Your armor class is 1.9, with +3 to hit and +6 to damage.
You have 163867 gold coins, with 3331390 in the bank.
You have 37911212 unused experience points.
You have 0 unused bank points, and 1 Quest Points.
Nat Stats: Str (17.0) Int (17) Wis (18) Dex (17) Con (15)
Mod Stats: Str (18.30) Int (18) Wis (18) Dex (17) Con (17)
You are standing.
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Invisible
   Вопрос - Golded , 30.06.2000 21:10 MSK