Stone giant in BH - Soi , 06.10.2000 11:11 MSK
< 847hp 197ma 155mv > where
Kamber - West Gate
Demiurge - Cross Road
Popa - Idol
Cujo - The Scribe's Shop
Elrus - The Back Room
Fathermace - Cross Road
Soi - The Bar
< 847hp 197ma 155mv > who

[ma cl th wa] Players
[ *Champion*] Fathermace :
[40 40 33 40] Demiurge < ~CHAOS~ >
[31 40 18 40] Soi The Fat Cleric
[15 38 40 24] Popa Null!
[22 15 40 25] Cujo - < ^ODT^ > -9 +10 :)
[39 22 13 28] Elrus island golg
[32 17 22 10] Thel The isolation of the Agenda.
[ 4 0 0 1] Kamber Siberian Lamer
There are 8 visible players.
Highest total since last bootup: 39.
< 847hp 197ma 155mv >

Fathermace s gruppoy patruliruyut BH v poiskah novogo repopa giantov.
Za takie questi nado candelyabrom po golove davat - vseh newbov perebili - i ne tolko ih..
   Stone giant in BH - Soi , 06.10.2000 11:11 MSK