Nice - Riurik , 09.11.2000 13:31 MSK
< 778hp 208ma 140mv > who
*Wizards of SlothMUD III*
[O=]======= > ] Judge mess with the best, die like the rest!

[ma cl th wa] Players
[ *Champion*] Gera ~
[40 40 37 40] Demiurge < ~CHAOS~ >
[33 40 40 40] Jovis Oldie is Vrta!
[40 38 25 40] Krot .mdb
[40 40 25 36] Mardik afk
[40 25 40 32] Ferrum Death come to Hive :))
[40 30 40 20] Hvat < ~CHAOS~ >
[34 31 40 21] Aziz Shadow Assassin |*WTB:mage4 & smoking vest*|
[39 37 11 25] Alatar bh/ss/island eoy
[12 26 21 36] Td the Untitled
[29 14 9 20] Linku is back
[ 5 5 20 11] Meverick #3 15 12 9 15 13
There are 13 visible players.
Highest total since last bootup: 52.

Vse krome 2 chelovek russkojazychnyje :))
   Nice - Riurik , 09.11.2000 13:31 MSK