Re: Вопрос на засыпку - G.O.K. , 16.01.2001 16:45 MSK
: The sweet smell of the apples brings to mind images of fresh baked apple
: pies. Despite heavy picking, most of the trees have a fair amount of fruit
: remaining on them. A LARGE BUILDING RESTS JUST BEYOND the apple trees to
: the west, and a dried river bed runs past the orchard to the east.
: po moemu etogo opisanija dostatochno :)

Ti znaesh skol'ko v slote nazvani dveri ? Ochen' mnogo da eshe esli tebe pishet Alas,....
Ne skazal by shto etogo dostatochno.
   Вопрос на засыпку - Lot , 14.01.2001 02:54 MSK