не везет... - Helxen , 28.02.2001 16:50 MSK
Spirit of Bal Harbor is docked here.
There is a painted sign with a boat schedule tacked to the post here.
A heron is perched here on a post.
The wooly mammoth arrives from the east.
< 690hp 87ma 137mv >
order mammoth enter spirit
enter spirit
< 690hp 87ma 137mv >
The wooly mammoth boards Spirit of Bal Harbor.

< 690hp 87ma 137mv >
The sun rises in the east.
Timer now at 58 secs.
Spirit of Bal Harbor shoves off and heads for the open seas.
< 690hp 106ma 159mv >
There is no spirit here.

< ~murrr~ >
   не везет... - Helxen , 28.02.2001 16:50 MSK