k voprosu o rerolle! - ... , 02.06.2001 15:20 MSK
voobshe govorya, luchshe vsego rollit'sya tri-tokenami :P

vot i narolilsya :))

< 72hp 143ma 88mv > eq
You are using:
< 72hp 143ma 88mv > Orion has nat_stats 18 / 33, 18, 17, 15, 13! 8) (level: 8)
Your levels: Ma: 8 Wa: 1
You are 18 years old.
You are a citizen of Bal Harbor.
You are neutral.
You have 72(72) hit, 143(143) mana and 88(88) movement points.
Your armor class is 9.0.
You have 8896 gold coins.
You have 1975 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 0 days and 4 hours.
Str: 18 / 33, Int: 18, Wis: 17, Dex: 15, Con: 13
You are resting.

блин, приятно, все же... Эээх!
   k voprosu o rerolle! - ... , 02.06.2001 15:20 MSK