if you are interested... - Mislik , 19.01.2002 10:46 MSK
новый континент открыт..
на нем город и несколько зон..(карта города есть)

призы выбирали из:
blue egg (held high +3Mreg permaWB)
a crystal ring..It has a soft glowing aura!
a crystal bracelet
a crystal bracelet
a marble ring
a marble ring
a blazing ring +6 mana
a pair of granite bracers
4x a spellbook missing some pages
the great short sword of the hunter Orion (forged stabber: 3d3 +2dam +Str)
an octiron cuirass (body: +10 mana)
a lobster claw necklace (don't know)
a baby tiger claw (don't know)
boots of radiance +10 mana container

мне достались:
Object 'boots radiance forge', Item type: CONTAINER
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 3, Value: 100000
Can affect you as :
Affects : MANA By 10
Only those who are at least adept magic users and also adept clerics may use this item.

вот такие пироги..

... aka Orion aka Desman.
   if you are interested... - Mislik , 19.01.2002 10:46 MSK