fun quest - Mike , 02.03.2002 07:43 MSK
Да уж !!! Что тут сказать...
Сегодня был fun quest организованный Blasterom и иже с ним, нужно было уложить террористов. Этим мы и занимались. Но, было несколько прикольных вещей, которые вытворялись с нами. Например, некоторых сажали в Terrorists training camp, некоторые террористы взрывались после смерти.
You receive 1153727 experience points as your share.
Your blood freezes as you hear a stinky terrorist's death cry.
A faint beeping can be heard from the corpse of the terrorist.
Darth explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Darth is dead! R.I.P.
Kurn explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Kurn is dead! R.I.P.
Plato explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Kasumi explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Kasumi is dead! R.I.P.
Your senses reel as you feel your body fly into thousands of pieces!
That Really did HURT!
Polk explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Polk is dead! R.I.P.
Ana explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Ana is dead! R.I.P.
Vanyel explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Baraban explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Baraban is dead! R.I.P.
Keeper explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Uziel explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Pixie explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Pixie is dead! R.I.P.
Packy explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Hima explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Hima is dead! R.I.P.
Juan explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Flesh explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Flesh is dead! R.I.P.
A stinky terrorist explodes in a violent shower of blood and ichor.
Некоторые говорили тебе
A terrorist tells you 'someone is going to die real soon!',
а потом
< -32000hp xxma xx mv >
причем, ты мог спокойно ходить, регениться, биться и вообще жить нормальной мудовской жизнью =)

Неплохо было !
   fun quest - Mike , 02.03.2002 07:43 MSK