Что за глюки? - Greatsoul , 18.03.2002 18:38 MSK
Пошел делать Island Gold, возле сего господина - The Ghostly Weaponsmaster menaces you with his rusty weapons of war. убил двух cityguard-ов после драки ни одного корпуса не обнаружил... : [] лутер за ранее был выключен...

Remains of the Weapon Shop
A slow bulge of slag had pushed into the side of this store and crushed
most of its contents. In fact, it has practically turned the building
inside-out, leaving little room inside for movement. Wrecked blades and
cudgels have spilled through the crooked doorframe onto the street to the
Exits: South
The Ghostly Weaponsmaster menaces you with his rusty weapons of war.
   Что за глюки? - Greatsoul , 18.03.2002 18:38 MSK