Quest - Demiurge , 29.04.2002 15:46 MSK
I am the soothsayer of Thalassas. I have had a most disturbing vision!

In my vision, a great mist parts... I see trees, a forest, and then... a most beautiful valley. The valley is nestled in the middle of a tall mountain range, surrounded on three sides by the mountains.

But not all was well with this valley. It was under siege by the most foul creatures I've ever seen. Hoardes and hoardes of foul undead creatures were overrunning the defenses of the valley's inhabitants! Oh, how dreadful!

This is a vision of the future! I must not allow this to happen! Please, if any of you have a heart, be on guard to help protect the valley! I'm sure its inhabitants do not know of their impending doom! I am certain that these occurances will happen soon, if not stopped! The hoardes of undead are many... I am sure it will take a substantial group to protect the valley.

Alas, my vision does not pinpoint the location of this valley, though I feel it is somewhere on this island. Once the mists part, I'm sure it will be easy to find.

Thank you, my friends.
The Thalassas Soothsayer and Astrologist

(Quest will begin *around* 1:30 or 2:00pm Central US time on Monday, April 29th. I will only have prizes for 20 people, and the quest *must* be finished and prizes distributed by 5:00pm Central US time. See you then!)


p.s. а терь скажите когда это по московскому времени
   Quest - Demiurge , 29.04.2002 15:46 MSK