Re: retire? - Belarus , 22.07.2002 00:18 MSK
Sam char ...

Belarus the Lowbie {nothing} (on AH) (level: 40)
Your levels: Ma: 40 Cl: 40 Th: 34 Wa: 20
You are 48 years old.
You are a citizen of Bal Harbor.
You are an example to us all.
You have 613(613) hit, 420(358) mana and 182(182) movement points.
Your armor class is 8.0.
You have 0 to hit and 0 on damage.
You have 711762 gold coins.
You have 42833079 unused experience points.
Need till next level 109566921
Gained exp 402898 total, 143287 kills, 259611 work with 14 corpses and 28778 exp per corpse
You have been playing for 60 days and 1 hours.
Str: 15 / 0, Int: 18, Wis: 18, Dex: 16, Con: 12
You are standing.
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Invisible

   retire? - Belarus , 22.07.2002 00:17 MSK