Re: you should see this - Soi , 24.09.2002 17:09 MSK
: : The Witch Doctor is very old and wise. You can barely see his face from where
: : you are standing, it is mostly covered with his long grey hair. He seems to
: : be totally ignoring you, maybe he doesn't like to be bothered when he's
: : working.
: : The Witch Doctor is in an excellent condition.
: Хорошо жилось билдерам раньше :)
: Ныне же за такой мобдеск можно и канделябром по глобусу...
: < ~murr~ >
: P.S. всё тот же извечный вопрос - накой это в избранное пихать?
Несомненно - в избранное надо пихать только стихи о Helxen
   you should see this - Mislik , 24.09.2002 11:07 MSK