O.k., listen и не повторяйте. - Best , 21.10.2002 16:40 MSK
Хотел я потормозить с этой историей (честное слово, времени нет -
оказывается в RL столько разных дел!), но увидев количество
желающих услышать что же случилось слегка припух и даже восхитился
таким вниманием!

Ну, в-общем, дело было девятого сентября, часов в десять (?) по Москве.
Время это примечательно тем, что MUD был wizlockнут. Не сумев зайти
Keinом, я, справедливо рассудив, что иммортала пустят, захожу Bestом.

< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Hall of Fame
This is a large bright auditorium, lit by an enormous fire ball hovering
near the ceiling. There are gigantic steps with marble statues set on
them; these are the famous statues of the SlothMUD's immortals: from the
*Creators* on the top to the *Immortals* on the lowest level. Opposite to
the steps there's a vast bed, on which Best likes to rest.
Extras: [helxen] [krom] [nia] [jake] [bed] [rei] [clink] [tysmiha] [splork]
Extras: [best] [ratkiller] [tower]
Exits: Up Down

< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Splork - > 'hey best'

< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Splork - > 'have ya ever crashed us before?'


< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Splork - > 'if ya can crash us crash us:)'

Ну что ж. Попытка не пытка. Вспомнилось мне, что кто-то когда-то писал на
нашем криере, что "...вот такое количество fightящихся и бесцельно спаммящих
MUD ethereal мобов с большой вероятностью могли его крэшнуть" и решил с этим
поэкспериментиовать. Вообще в immrules сказано не убивать мобов, так как
"...Mobs are for mortals to kill and if you kill them, they won't be avaible
to the mortals. Also, killing a mob could cause an item loading mob to pop
which is definite interference." Но MUD был wizlockнут, и я решил, что меня
это в данном случае не сильно касается. Мол, если кто что спопит - что ж,
зачармлю и order follower give item best, в крайнем случае убью еще раз.
Ну ладно:
< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
go war-avatar
Chamber of the Warlord
You are in a chamber of black stone blocks, with large circular disks
lining the walls like shields. The room seems to move every few seconds,
as if hit by some invisible waves of force that vibrate the walls, floor,
and ceiling. A large circle of runes has been inscribed on the floor here.
Extras: [circle]
Exits: [east:door]
A monstrous being clad in green metal armor carries a sword in each of its six arms.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
l war
This is the mighty war avatar, a 12 foot tall being clad in green full
plate armor and wearing a great helm with eye slits looking out in all
directions, allowing the multi-eyed being to see all around it, to seek out
foes and friends alike in battle. Its six muscular arms each carry a
razor-sharp broadsword, and it wears a black harness around its body, some
type of powerful magic judging by the runes emblazoned on its dark straps.
The Avatar of War is in an excellent condition.

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
trans ghost-lady
The ghost of a fine lady arrives from a puff of smoke.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
trans 2.ghost-lady
The ghost of a fine lady arrives from a puff of smoke.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
hit war
The Avatar of War hates your guts!
You pound the Avatar of War very hard.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
You massacre the Avatar of War to small fragments with your pound.
You massacre the Avatar of War to small fragments with your pound.
You miss the Avatar of War with your pound.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
' come on, man
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
You pound the Avatar of War extremely hard.
You pound the Avatar of War extremely hard.
You pound the Avatar of War extremely hard.
The Avatar of War berserks, swinging his six broadswords madly about the room!
You are hit in the chest by a crushing blow from the Avatar of War's attack!
The Avatar of War's slam passes right through you.
You say 'come on, man'

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
The Avatar of War's slash passes right through you.
You pound the Avatar of War very hard.
You pound the Avatar of War extremely hard.
You pound the Avatar of War extremely hard.

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
You disengage yourself from the Avatar of War!

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
cast 'charm' war

< 2413rm 5wz 2sv >
cast 'charm' war

Не чармится, козел! И как-то не особо стремится файтить моих ghostов.
Как печально! Ну да ничего, не один он такой! Сношу гостов и отлечиваю
restorationами аватара до full. Ибо нефиг...
А в голове моей опилки... в смысле, в тот момент я совершенно не думал, а
может ли оно вообще крэшнуть MUD? И за какое время?
В-общем, go zeus:
Throne of Zeus
The room is palacial in size and adorned with decorations befitting the
god of all gods. Mirrors line the marble walls, each containing the image
of a different young and beautiful human female. The mirrors capture the
every movement of the subject, no matter where she may be or what she may
be doing at the time.
A marble archway pulses with magical energies...It glows blue!..It has a soft glowing aura!
An aged and powerful-looking god sits upon his throne, wielding a thunderbolt.

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >

Трансферрю несколько gustов (которые of wind), и они вполне удачно, так
сказать, involved into the fighting:

Zeus's zap passes right through you.
Zeus's zap passes right through you.
Zeus's zap passes right through you.
Zeus's zap passes right through you.
You massacre Zeus to small fragments with your pound.
You massacre Zeus to small fragments with your pound.
You pound Zeus extremely hard.
Lightning jumps from Zeus's hands and strikes you with a sick sizzle!
Lightning arcs from an irregular gust to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind slowly fades into existence.
Your blood freezes as you hear an irregular gust's death cry.
Lightning arcs from the sizzling corpse to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind slowly fades into existence.
Lightning arcs from a gust of wind to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind slowly fades into existence.
Lightning arcs from a gust of wind to a gust of wind!
Lightning arcs from a gust of wind to a gust of wind!
Lightning arcs from a gust of wind to a gust of wind!

Остается ждать. Жду, жду, жду... и вдруг ОПА!:

Zeus has been banished to the astral plane!
Everything Zeus was carrying suddenly drops to the ground.
With the banishment of Zeus, his control over this realm falters.
Suddenly a portal opens in this room!
A gust of wind hates your guts!
Your pound passes right through a gust of wind!
Your pound passes right through a gust of wind!
Your pound passes right through a gust of wind!
Nobody here by that name.

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >
Вот фигня, думаю я. А еще соп моб! Гыгыгы. А не ну ли ее? Все, нефиг крэшать,
да и не крэшнется оно так. Передумал.

И тут!

t zeus ?
You tell Zeus ruling god '?'

< 49208rm 5wz 2sv >
at zeus l zeus
The most powerful and controlling god, Zeus rules over the planes and ranks
over all other gods in Olympus. Born of Cronus and Rhea, he is married to
his elder sister Hera. Legends portray him as a god with an insatiable hunger
for women, and he is said to have fathered literally hundreds of children all
over the mortal world. His symbols are the eagle, the shield, the oak tree,
and the mighty thunderbolt.
Zeus is in an excellent condition.

Zeus is using:
< wielded > a thunderbolt..It glows blue!..It emits a faint humming sound!

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

< 49208rm 5wz 2sv > go zeus
Throne of Zeus
The room is palacial in size and adorned with decorations befitting the
god of all gods. Mirrors line the marble walls, each containing the image
of a different young and beautiful human female. The mirrors capture the
every movement of the subject, no matter where she may be or what she may
be doing at the time.
A marble archway pulses with magical energies...It glows blue!..It has a soft glowing aura!
An aged and powerful-looking god sits upon his throne, wielding a thunderbolt.

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >
cast 'charm' zeus

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >
You sigh.

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >
l zeus
The most powerful and controlling god, Zeus rules over the planes and ranks
over all other gods in Olympus. Born of Cronus and Rhea, he is married to
his elder sister Hera. Legends portray him as a god with an insatiable hunger
for women, and he is said to have fathered literally hundreds of children all
over the mortal world. His symbols are the eagle, the shield, the oak tree,
and the mighty thunderbolt.
Zeus is in an excellent condition.

Zeus is using:
< wielded > a thunderbolt..It glows blue!..It emits a faint humming sound!

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

< 98285rm 5wz 2sv >
steal bolt zeus
Steal something in use? Impossible!

БЛИ-И-ИН! Сносить его теперь, маяться. И дальше - моя главная (?) ошибка:
в помощь сносить Зевса я беру первых пришедших в голову мобов (выбор вполне
логичен, ибо я думал о тех, которые делают неплохой damage, а из таковых ведь
в первую очередь вспоминаются те, которых часто валят в группе!):
Bon dieu arrives from a puff of smoke.
The Avatar of War arrives from a puff of smoke.
The forever king arrives from a puff of smoke.
The king of darkness arrives from a puff of smoke.
Ну, хватит, решил я. Сносим Zeusа, затем я firestormами сношу мобов.

И тут еще одна фигня!

You get a bone bracer from the corpse of the forever king that's on the ground.

И ошибка, которую лично я считаю главной в этом инциденте: я был уверен,
что если я не верну bone bracer назад на forever kingа, то это будет тот же
самый "definite interference". В смысле, bracer должен был висеть на мобе,
и я не должен в этот факт вмешиваться. Для уверенности, спрашиваю Splorkа,
не мог бы он сделать crash - чтобы bracer никому не достался. И он говорит
НЕТ (позднее оказалось, что он все это время стоял и внимательно за мной
Ну что ж, я жду, пока все мобы срепопятся, проверяю, а не спопили ли они.

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
give bracer king

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
charm king
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
cast 'charm' king
The forever king starts following you.

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
order follower wear bracer

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
l king
The forever king is a tall, well built man with a pasty white pallor and
auburn hair. His flaming red eyes match the color of his fine coat and
the gold scrollwork along his breast complements the jewelled pommel of the
broadsword strapped to his back. The king rises from his throne and fixes
you with a cold stare in response to your unsolicited intrusion into his
private sanctuary.
The forever king is in an excellent condition.

the forever king is using:
< worn around wrist > a bone bracer..It has a soft glowing aura!

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
You can't see anything.

< 37281rm 5wz 2sv >
Hall of Fame
This is a large bright auditorium, lit by an enormous fire ball hovering
near the ceiling. There are gigantic steps with marble statues set on
them; these are the famous statues of the SlothMUD's immortals: from the
*Creators* on the top to the *Immortals* on the lowest level. Opposite to
the steps there's a vast bed, on which Best likes to rest.
Extras: [helxen] [krom] [nia] [jake] [bed] [rei] [clink] [tysmiha] [splork]
Extras: [best] [ratkiller] [tower]
Exits: Up Down

< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Saving Best.
Saving items.
Saving extras.

< 30899rm 5wz 2sv >
Best -- ' Name says it all.' (level: 41)
Your levels: Ma: 41 Cl: 41 Th: 41 Wa: 41 Av: 40
You are 30 years old.
You are a citizen of Settlestone.
You spread goodness and joy everywhere you go.
You have 757(757) hit, -1447(406) mana and 239(239) movement points.
Your armor class is 5.4.
You have +12 to hit and +15 on damage.
You have 495231 gold coins.
You have 54295722 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 22 days and 9 hours.
Str: 18 / 100, Int: 18, Wis: 18, Dex: 18, Con: 18
You are standing.
You will parry.
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Evil
Detect Magic
Detect Invisible
Sense Life
God Sanctuary
Water Breathing , WATER_BREATHING by 0 points, -1 mins, 48 level

И, собственно, все. Btw, в это время Splork снимает wizlock. А я рентюсь.

И дальше, собственно, то, в чем, по-моему, мое единственное нарушение правил:
через некоторое (не очень малое, с полчаса) время, захожу Keinom, бегу
посмотреть, висит ли еще bracer на kingе, и спрашиваю, а не c'mon ли мне
кто-нибудь помочь. ДА, нарушено следующее правило: "- using our Immortal to
check to see if mob's popped items" но ведь не специально! Блин. :(

И тут:
Splork has forced you to 'where'.
Name - Location
Kein - Above the Keep's Gate

< 803hp 403ma 212mv >
Splork tells you 'wow, didnt think I would catch you doing what you just did'

< 803hp 403ma 212mv >
Splork tells you 'I just watched you cycle numerous mobs, including forever king with best'

Ну, в-общем, все. Надеялся я на высшую справедливость и лояльность Blasterа.
Думал, может разберется. А он... он не задал ни единого вопроса.

...You to have cheated using your immortal.
We have also found that you have provided immortal information at least one
time to another mortal.
We have learned that you were attempting to use your immortal to benefit
your mortal characters.

After taking time and discussing how to deal with this, we have come to a
decision to remove you from being an immortal, and also punish your mortal
Kein for the part of attempting to provide yourself with eq by using your

Kein's punishment was reduction in levels to 40 40 36 36, and removal of all
but 25 eq items, not including iouns or drink containers. The removal of
your vault and all contents.

You actions with your immortal, by killing and cycling mobs for eq, for your
immortal are against the immortal rules, that you were required to agree
upon at the time you immorted.

You asked several other admin, if you were allowed to kill in game mobs for
whatever reason, and were told that was not allowed, as it could result in
making something load on that mob.

We are always sorry to see someone fall into the system by cheating in this
way, and never enjoy dealing with punishment, but the rules are plain and
simple, and must be followed.

"Мне кажется, отняли часть души."
   O.k., listen и не повторяйте. - Best , 21.10.2002 16:40 MSK