Re: /7PuBET C/\OTY OT SC2 :) - Zam , 19.11.2002 19:56 MSK
: You are Yasik prolly afk
: Mortal levels: Wa: 40 Cl: 40 Th: 40 Ma: 39
: You are 19 years old. Playing time is 4 days and 12 hours.
: You are currently a citizen of Tupelo.
: You are neutral. (Alignment: 0)
: You have 948/948 hit, 283/308 mana and 167/169 movement points.
: You have 34 hit point regen, 25 mana regen and 19 movement regen.
: Your armor class is -6.7, with +13 to hit and +15 to damage.
: You have 220112 gold coins, with 64200000 in the bank.
: You have 43410463 unused experience points.
: You have 0 unused bank points, and 0 Quest Points.
: Nat Stats: Str (18.53) Int (15) Wis (18) Dex (18) Con (17)
: Mod Stats: Str (18.63) Int (16) Wis (18) Dex (18) Con (18)
: Saving throws: [0] Para [4] Rod/Staves [0] Petrify [0] Breath [-2] Spell.
: You are standing.
: You are affected by the following spells:
: Sanctuary
: Armor
: < 948hp 283ma 167mv > wh
: Но что самое интересное...
: [ma-cl-th-wa] Players
: -----------------
: [39 40 40 40] Yasik prolly afk
: There are 1 visible players.
: Страшно умирать одному... но зато дисциплинирует :)

a ty vozvrashaisia ...
   /7PuBET C/\OTY OT SC2 :) - Eena , 19.11.2002 18:35 MSK