:) - . , 25.06.2003 16:16 MSK
< 901hp 370ma 224mv >
Rita's Shangri-La
A beautiful hideaway to hide from this world full of cruelty, an idyllic
imaginary place where life strives to approach flawless perfection, this is
where Rita tends to spend a lot of time. But as much as she'd like to spend
the rest of her life here, she cannot, for she has too many areas to write...

M.A.G.I.C. .......... [check]
Shadowlands .......... [check]
Shadow Playground .......... [check]
Dark Dreams .......... [check]
Iceglen .......... [check]
Atlantis .......... [ ]...52%
D'Loc .......... [ ]...8%
A'Loc .......... [ ]...1%
M.I.G.H.T. .......... [ ]...21%
Tower of Sorcery .......... [ ]...94%
Vengeful Dragon .......... [ ]...38%
Haunted Mansion .......... [check]
Gossameringue .......... [ ]...31%

   :) - . , 25.06.2003 16:16 MSK