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Whoa! Im the gambler! - Undead , 11.01.2000 02:19 MSK
You cut off a bank teller's limb!
..--.. I choped a bank teller's ass!!!! WooHoo!!!!
roll dice

You massacre a bank teller to small fragments with your cleave.
< 390hp 106ma 224mv > The bones come to rest with a seven and four facing upward.
< 390hp 106ma 224mv > A pair of bones from Slice's hands land on one and two.
< 390hp 106ma 224mv > Slice says 'I lost to Undead'
< 390hp 106ma 224mv > Slice gives you 1 gold coins.
< 390hp 106ma 224mv > You massacre a bank teller to small fragments with your slash.
Thryllx cuts a limb off of a bank teller!!!!
..--.. Thryllx choped a bank teller's ass!!!!

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