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Re: красиво оформлено. Вот что стоило и в Слоте подобное сделать? - Wasp. , 13.01.2000 01:18 MSK
Ne dumaju chto poteri ot smerti stanut men`she ot etogo.
A ideja chastichnogo ili polnogo vosstanovlenja mne nravitsja,
slishkom sil`no besit chto trup tvoi gde-to lezhit a crash ne dremlet :)
: You hit a filthy young girl, but she seems unaffected.
: A filthy young girl clumsily pricks your chest with her pirate's choice dagger.
: You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!
: 100m/200e/3h >
: A filthy young girl competently pierces your chest with her pirate's choice
: dagger.
: You are incapacitated!
: 100m/200e/-5h > quit
: You must write 'quit now' if you wish to die before you quit?
: 100m/200e/-5h > quit now
: You die before your time!
: You are dead. R.I.P.
: 100m/200e/38h >
: There is complete silence, you are floating in utter darkness.
: 100m/200e/38h >
: look
: Through the darkness you see a white light in the distance.
: 100m/200e/38h > You are dead, don't move!
: 100m/200e/38h >
: The light grows larger and more intense, it seems to resemble a warrior flying
: through the darkness.
: 100m/200e/38h >
: The warrior takes your soul, and at that very instant you can see
: the world around you. You are in the arms of a beautiful Valkyrie, she begins
: to fly towards the stars.
: 100m/200e/38h >
: The world is rapidly disappearing below you, as the Valkyrie rides towards the
: stars at an amazing speed.
: 100m/200e/38h >
: After a short ride she sets your spirit down inside Valhalla. You slowly regain
: a more material form.

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