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Re: Через джунгли спама... - Dan , 31.03.2000 10:36 MSK

: takzhe mozhno svoi pometki ostavljat`.

Маленький отрывок из The Kendermore, который я сейчас читаю, за отсутствием перевода, в оригинале. Как раз по поводу пометок на картах (совпало прочтение этого поста и места в книге :))

"Was it made by a kender?" Tas asked. She shook her head. "Well, that's it, then," Tas said definitively. "Kender often use their own sorts of landmarks, symbols, and elaborate measurements."

"Like 'Uncle Bertie's foot'?" she asked, pointing to words
toward the top of the page. "And what's this one?" Her eyes were left of center. "Where I found the pretty stones'; 'shop with great candy'; 'monsters with big teeth here', 'angry dwarf', 'sleeping dragon doesn't sleep!'"
Gisella looked up at Tas. "These are important landmarks ?"

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