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Re: You are currently a citizen of Tupelo. - Gera , 08.05.2000 10:25 MSK
: You are Undead The Grave Digger
: Mortal levels: Ma: 5 Wa: 1 Th: 0 Cl: 0
: You are 27 years old. Playing time is 0 days and 3 hours.
: You are currently a citizen of Tupelo.
: You are neutral. (Alignment: 0)
: You have 54/54 hit, 54/115 mana and 142/142 movement points.
: Your armor class is 9.8, with +2 to hit and +0 to damage.
: You have 551 gold coins, with 0 in the bank.
: You have 17521 unused experience points.
: You have 0 unused bank points, and 0 Quest Points.
: You are sleeping.
: Клевый город :)
: Можно потупить пока нету Слота :)
: Undead

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