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The SLOTHMUD - :) , 20.05.2000 21:59 MSK
-wake up, Neo. slothmud has you!

(Morpheus)-Tank, load him
(Tank)-It's you again, Neo? Oooh, newbie, be dead! When I was you, I made 3x40 on alley cats! I went to Demogorgon
with a katana in hand! I.... And you ask me to mort! Okay, here are 100k, go, get some food, I'll think.

Elena asks Topiary Knight for an advice. This time Morpheus tells Neo:
Wake up, she is going after you!!
-AAAAA! What can I do? I want to be alive!
-Listen to me. Go to Topiary Dragon!
-Morpheus, I can't! My legs aren't working!
-Stand up, bastard! Stood? Excellent, run to the dragon. Then wait.
This time Topiary Knight points at the direction of a cavern. Elena goes there.
-Neo! It's not the proper time to steal coins off the dragons! Stand up the tallest you can!
Neo stands, Elena sees him and runs to him.
Morpheus: Wait, wait, wait, not now, wait, wait, RECALL!
Neo: reciet recall
Neo: reicet recall
Neo: ercite rcall
Neo: recite recall
Then what happens within the next second and a half:
Neo disappears.
Elena arrives and by inertion begins kissing a yawning dragon.

Three sashes with their commander run into the room. Neo takes off the ground,
stretches his leg in the direction of a sash's face and holds still in the air. Sashes are
frozen and stunned.
Commander: Bastards! He's LAGGED! Kill him while he can do nothing!

et cetera :)

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