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Re: - Dan , 30.05.2000 14:15 MSK

: А во вторых, такая раскладка офиуиально лежала
: в свою время на сайте клона Слота2. Насколько
: мне известно, в Слот3 эту систему не меняли, а
: вот в СоулСифере статсо действительно зависит
: и от третьего ( а может и от четвертого тоже ? :)
: класса.

Цитирую из письма Эрика Зейнера, Крома:

Not every 35th level char trying to reroll has a 3x40
friend and his resources ( i bought some tokens for him too) to help
him either. Two possible solutions:
a. rework stat roller so that is produces more sets of at least
playable stats.
b. have a reroll counter, and when person reaches say 10 rerolls,
that reroll and every 5th reroll after that has an improved chance to
generate better stats. Say it takes the lowest stat, generates a
number between 15-18, and orders according to that.

Ответ Брайана, Джейка:

Once again, I think changing the roller is a critical mistake. We've
seen a drastic change in the rerolling from sltoh2 to sloth3. In fact, I
attribute the recent "greed for stats" to be related to two things:

1) The reduction in equipment power from s2 -> s3.
2) The *increase* in the reroll chances from s2 -> s3.

The stat roller in sloth3 already generates stats that are FIVE greater
than stats were generated on sloth2 (+1 to each stat). The problem is
*not* the reroller, the problem is the very restricted/limited range of
what is considered "playable".

Т.е. если раньше были всякие ошейники по -.8 да по +3 декс (silver fur cloak) и к тому же -.8 +дам boots, зато хромали статсы - то теперь наоборот :)

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