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Limerix of the day - Dan , 16.03.2001 20:27 MSK
A magical creature named Demo
Had an encounter with a hyena
The two had communion;
The result of that union
Would be named as Clink the Weeno

Своим топором словно в тире
Зверски бил гноллей Канила...
Но попался в ловушку и жить стал не рад,
Свой серебряный щит перевесил на зад...
И ушёл в долгосрочный ретире.

In Xanth sewers one day came Ferrum
He was heavily soaked with rum
Through the twilight he limped
In some backs put his gimplet...
Ended up triple-forty afterward.

A cute and nice guy named Plus
Liked writing fun stories for us
He wrote and wrote
And wrote and wrote...
We were shocked as if hit by a bus.

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