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Temple trivia. - Helxen , 29.04.2001 18:52 MSK
Temple of Huitzilopochtli
This temple is dark and foreboding: the smell of death and violence
hangs heavily in the air. The walls are covered with carvings of skulls,
stacked one on top of the other as though all the walls have been built
out of them. In the center of the temple there is a large obsidian altar,
also covered in skulls. The two entrances are guarded by fierce-looking
Exits: South West

Temple of Quetzalcoatl
The temple walls are decorated in a lavish green. In the center of
the floor there is a display of the finest works of art created by the
Aztec people. On the walls are wooden statues of jaguars, crocodiles and
serpents, their mouths twisted into ferocious snarls, their bodies
decorated in bright colors. The ceiling carries a painting of a tall
bearded man in a long purple robe. He is surrounded by many people who
appear to be listening to him intently.
Exits: North East

< ~murrr~ >

P.S. Вот еще хоть кто бы намекнул где они находятся...
P.P.S. а у первого название классное :)

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