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Re: compact - Helxen , 06.09.2001 23:37 MSK
: Так сказала Helxen

Бррр, неужели я истина в последней инстанции?

Ладно, вот лог - смотрите сами в чем разница и выбирайте что удобнее.

Usage: compact [lines | prompt]
compact lines - off
compact prompt - off

< 754hp 311ma 246mv >
Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.

< 754hp 311ma 244mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 242mv >
The Mermaid's Song
Exits: East West
A small sign with some words written upon it sits on the ground.
A young woman in a tight fitting dress is here, waiting tables.

< 754hp 311ma 240mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 238mv >
Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.

< 754hp 311ma 236mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 234mv >
You are now in compact prompt mode.

< 754hp 311ma 246mv > Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.

< 754hp 311ma 244mv > The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 242mv > The Mermaid's Song
Exits: East West
A small sign with some words written upon it sits on the ground.
A young woman in a tight fitting dress is here, waiting tables.

< 754hp 311ma 240mv > The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 238mv > Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.

< 754hp 311ma 236mv > The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.

< 754hp 311ma 246mv > Usage: compact [lines | prompt]
compact lines - off
compact prompt - on

< 754hp 311ma 246mv > You are now in compact lines mode.
< 754hp 311ma 246mv > Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
A citizen of Bal Harbor is taking a stroll around the city.
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.
< 754hp 311ma 244mv > The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
< 754hp 311ma 242mv > The Mermaid's Song
Exits: East West
A small sign with some words written upon it sits on the ground.
A young woman in a tight fitting dress is here, waiting tables.
< 754hp 311ma 240mv > The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
< 754hp 311ma 246mv > Usage: compact [lines | prompt]
compact lines - on
compact prompt - on
< 754hp 311ma 246mv > You are now in uncompacted prompt mode.
< 754hp 311ma 246mv >
You feel less righteous.
Spirit of Bal Harbor shoves off and heads for the open seas.
< 754hp 311ma 246mv >
Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
A citizen of Bal Harbor is taking a stroll around the city.
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.
< 754hp 311ma 244mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
< 754hp 311ma 242mv >
The Mermaid's Song
Exits: East West
A small sign with some words written upon it sits on the ground.
A young woman in a tight fitting dress is here, waiting tables.
< 754hp 311ma 240mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
< 754hp 311ma 238mv >
Cross Road
Exits: North East South West Up
A citizen of Bal Harbor is taking a stroll around the city.
An artisan saunters along, enjoying the many sights the city has to offer.
< 754hp 311ma 236mv >
The Dock
Exits: North East West Up
There is a weathered sign attached to a wall here.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
A Red Sash is leaning against a wall, watching the crowds.
< 754hp 311ma 234mv >
Usage: compact [lines | prompt]
compact lines - on
compact prompt - off
< 754hp 311ma 246mv >


compact lines/prompt off/off

< Prompt >
Room Name
Room description
Mobs, items, etc
< Empty line >
< Prompt >

compact lines/prompt off/on

< Prompt > Room Name
Room description
Mobs, items, etc
< Empty line >
< Prompt >

compact lines/prompt on/on

< Prompt > Room Name
Room description
Mobs, items, etc
< Prompt >

compact lines/prompt on/off

< Prompt >
Room Name
Room description
Mobs, items, etc
< Prompt >

При смене eq другими игроками и при использовании триггеров вида {^@charname gets *} {#gag} и compact lines off, все переодевание выглядит кучей пустых строчек.

При compact prompt on заякоренные триггера на имена комнат (если используется маппер и/или собственные военные разработки) не работают.
Вставлять вместо якоря конструкцию вида ^ < (%d)hp (%d)ma (%d)mv > мне чегой-то не хочется. Дело даже не толстеющем профайле, а исключительно в скорости. Может на pIII-800 это и не заметно, но протестировав скорость обработки триггеров с обычным якорем и с promptом (таковых в профайле около 250), разницу можно увидеть невооруженным взглядом даже на вполне шустрой (400-500 Celeron) машинке.

Безусловно, каждый играет так, как ему нравится. Я слишком люблю всякие фенечки, socials, emote и пр.
Сейчас перелистывала профайл - около 50 триггеров только на gossip/grouptell.

Сейчас побродила еще минут пять (пока линк не отвалился) с lines/prompt on/on, попробовала представить как бы мы Урдаса чармили без триггеров... Вероятнее всего 1d20-1d40 вместо 1d3

Упаси боже, я никого не заставляю сейчас же писать compact lines on compact prompt off, но попробуйте - это значительно аккуратнее выглядит :)

< ~murrr~ >

P.S. Да, и еще - если отключить echo собственных команд, то уже НИЧЕГО не мешает войти в образ персонажа.

P.P.S deep.exe?
  • deep - Qalcool , 07.09.2001 18:43 MSK

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )