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hehe.. - Mislik , 03.10.2001 06:49 MSK
< 406hp 110ma 193mv > TICK IN 10 SECONDS.
gos mwahaaaa..they cant even Kill! Weak!
Someone pats you on the back.
< 406hp 110ma 193mv > Ok, you'll try to move silently for a while.
< 406hp 110ma 193mv > Saving Desman.
Saving items.
< 406hp 110ma 193mv > You gossip-- 'mwahaaaa..they cant even Kill! Weak!'
< 406hp 110ma 193mv > You have been KILLED!!
< -6255hp 110ma 193mv > sc
Desman #4: 18/59 15 13 18 17 (poping tokens) (level: 20)
Your levels: Ma: 5 Cl: 9 Th: 20 Wa: 19
You are 41 years old.
You are a citizen of Bal Harbor.
You are an outstanding member of your community.
You have -6255(406) hit, 110(110) mana and 193(193) movement points.
Your armor class is -2.2.
You have 85959 gold coins.
You have 1481530 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 8 days and 13 hours.
Str: 18 / 100, Int: 15, Wis: 13, Dex: 18, Con: 18
You are DEAD!
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Magic
Detect Invisible
Sense Life
< -6255hp 110ma 193mv > You have been fully healed by someone!
< 406hp 110ma 193mv >

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )