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Assassin's Dagger - на пенсию? - Falca , 12.11.2001 01:29 MSK
господа коллеги, спешу поздравить вас с приятной мелочью, которой удостоили нас имморталы.
а именно - с умением apply poison

Level: Thief 31
Usage: apply < poison item > < weapon >
Thieves may apply poisons to their weapons, making a deadly combination.
The poison only takes affect when the user backstabs the target, as
only backstabs can deliver the poison deep enough into the target's
system. When applying the poison, you must have both the poison vial
and your weapon in your inventory. There may be many different types of
poisons added at later dates.

There are several different types of poisons. All come in a jar of some
sort that must be brewed like a potion.
IOCAINE: This is a damage-causing poison. It is odorless and colorless.
PERCODAN: This poison momentarily numbs the target.

"The art of brewing poisons is a newly rediscovered art. The odorless and colorless iocaine poison is brewed by grinding a few clippings from a hedge and a sprig of nightshade in a vial of alcohol then strained through a mesh of intertwined threads to remove the sediment."

второй рецепт пока неизвестен широкому кругу - так что имзо есть пища для размышлений :)

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