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Re: Assassins Dagger - на пенсию? - Alatar , 12.11.2001 17:14 MSK
: : господа коллеги, спешу поздравить вас с приятной мелочью, которой удостоили нас имморталы.
: : а именно - с умением apply poison
: :
: : Level: Thief 31
: : Usage: apply < poison item > < weapon >
: : Thieves may apply poisons to their weapons, making a deadly combination.
: : The poison only takes affect when the user backstabs the target, as
: : only backstabs can deliver the poison deep enough into the target's
: : system. When applying the poison, you must have both the poison vial
: : and your weapon in your inventory. There may be many different types of
: : poisons added at later dates.
: : See Also: POISON TYPES
: :
: : There are several different types of poisons. All come in a jar of some
: : sort that must be brewed like a potion.
: : IOCAINE: This is a damage-causing poison. It is odorless and colorless.
: : PERCODAN: This poison momentarily numbs the target.
: :
: : "The art of brewing poisons is a newly rediscovered art. The odorless and colorless iocaine poison is brewed by grinding a few clippings from a hedge and a sprig of nightshade in a vial of alcohol then strained through a mesh of intertwined threads to remove the sediment."
: :
: : второй рецепт пока неизвестен широкому кругу - так что имзо есть пища для размышлений :)
: 2 voprosika:
: 1) apply poison mogut tolko thiefs ?
: 2) poisoned weapon - eto tolko na odin backstab ili kak?
1) DA!
2) DA!

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