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a kinda Vault... - Mislik , 21.03.2002 14:16 MSK
< 299hp 182ma 77mv > w
lo sign
Inside the Bank Vault
Exits: East
A small sign has been placed in the center of the floor here.
< 299hp 182ma 76mv > You may purchase a locker at the cost of 250000 gold. The locker will be
capable of holding up to 4 items It will only allow items to be stored that the
character can currently wear or can wear in 5 levels of the restricted class(es).
It will not allow items that the character does not meet the LAND or LOR

To buy a space within the vault please type buy locker.
To see what is stored inside your locker type list.
To deposit a item within your locker type deposit item.
To remove an item from your locker type withdraw slot number.
< 300hp 194ma 91mv > buy locker
Thank you for your purchase.


< 300hp 194ma 92mv > li
Locker list:
# 1 : a pair of pulsar gloves
# 2 : a strange triangular shaped token
< 300hp 194ma 92mv > withdraw 2
< 300hp 194ma 92mv > buy locker
You cannot afford to buy a locker!

значит ли это, что, купив два локера, я смогу положить туда 6 вещей?

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )