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finally! - Mislik , 22.05.2002 09:13 MSK
запарили меня ракаши..
ну, или я их достал..

в общем,

< 383hp 210ma 163mv > Ok.
A piece of a green rakasha is turned into dust.
< 404hp 220ma 164mv > Your zap passes right through a green rakasha!
A green rakasha misses you with its claw.
A green rakasha massacres you to small fragments with its claw.
A green rakasha misses you with its sting.
A green rakasha misses you with its sting.
A green rakasha massacres you to small fragments with its whip.
Your zap passes right through a green rakasha!
Your zap passes right through a green rakasha!
< 357hp 220ma 164mv > Ok.
You turn a green rakasha into a small pile of dust.
A green rakasha has been banished to the ethereal plane!
Total exp for kill is 444635.
gt finely: 444635 exp for last kill...
Everything a green rakasha was carrying suddenly drops to the ground.
get all
< 357hp 200ma 164mv > Who should the spell be cast upon?
< 357hp 200ma 164mv > Nobody here by that name.
< 357hp 200ma 164mv > Nobody here by that name.
< 357hp 200ma 164mv > You pick up gold coins.
There were 41290 coins.
You pick up a circle of flames.


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