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void bugs? - Lioha , 07.08.2002 16:17 MSK
Ja dnem igraju s raboty - popliu tokeny v fens i circus. Obychno mezdu repopami otrubaju triggera drink i eat, chtob ne floodili i stoju zdu repopa. Pri etom cherez kakoe-to uhodish v void, a kogda vozvraschajus' i delaju kakoi-bit' action to iz voida vypadaju. Do segodnia vse bylo OK.
No segodnia proizoshol odin prikol - ja kak vsegda vyrezal pop i poshel na obed. Vozvraschajus' minut cherez 40, delaju look i ne vrubajus', vrode room ne tot, nu dumaju pushil kto-to, smotriu vyshe - ne, nichego nebylo, toko gossip i auction. Delaju scan i ponimaju chto ja v AH u yooperov. Nu ja shodil 1e1w chtob proverit' ne bugi li, vsio OK. Nu dumaju riskovat' ne budu (yoopers ne znaju), delaju recall:

< 319hp 220ma 93mv >
Name - Location
Lioha - Cellblock B

< 319hp 220ma 93mv >
********************* TICK IN 15 ********************
You peer intently all around, and see :
a large troll : immediately to the east
a yooper prison guard : immediately to the east
a yooper prison guard : nearby to the east
a large troll : nearby to the east
a yooper prison guard : a ways to the east
a large troll : a ways to the east
a yooper prison guard : a ways to the east

< 319hp 220ma 93mv >
cast 'word'
A purple collar vanishes out of existence.
The Wide Gate
This is the northern gate of Aisholm, a small human settlement in the
frozen continent of Thule. A set of wide double gates opens in the wall,
and there is a building to the south. The street is unpaved, its loosely
packed clay as naked as when the humans first arrived to Thule. The whole
town must turn into a mudhole when the snow melts. A high walkway runs
the length of the stockade.
Exits: North East West
A brightly colored ornate glass bottle lies on the ground here
A soiled sheet from some notebook shifts here in the wind.
A small silver piece of paper flutters in the wind.
A brown piece of paper flutters about on the breeze.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A wooden sign has been nailed to Aisholm's gates.
A frost giantess is guarding the gate.
A frost giant is guarding the gate.

Obratite vnimanije na to, chto toko pri recall'e propalo temp eq, a ne ran'she. Vyvod - mozno kak-to peremeshatsia mezdu kontinentov ne teriaju temp eq (neznaju kak obstojat dela s FarGate).
Mozet u kogo esche byli problemy s void'om?

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )