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the scarab of destruction - Dan , 24.08.2002 21:35 MSK
a diamond bracer

a bottle of demons..It emits a faint humming sound!

a gem of musing..It has a soft glowing aura!
(замечу, что это forge +20 mana +1 con, held low)

a stone vial of a clear thick liquid
(brew'ится из всех известных магии ядов)

a diamond pendant..It has a soft glowing aura!

the gem of a thousand stars..It has a soft glowing aura!

a small jar of unusual dust
(и фиг его знает где он попится)

a glowing diamond breast plate..It has a soft glowing aura!

an ivory scarab..It has a soft glowing aura!

a grey chert scarab..It has a soft glowing aura!

an ebony scarab..It has a soft glowing aura!

a diamond sceptre..It has a soft glowing aura!

diamond sleeves

+8M монеток.

enchant scarab
You give the Archmage Lazaren some money.
You give the Archmage Lazaren some items.
The Archmage Lazaren utters the words, 'unsoqpaih uhzw'
The Archmage Lazaren casts a powerful enchantment over the scarab of destruction.
The Archmage Lazaren gives you the scarab of destruction.

You feel informed:
Object 'scarab destruction forge', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: HUM DOUB-40-ITEM
Weight: 1, Value: 1430000
AC-apply is -0.3
Can affect you as :
Affects : DAMROLL By 1
Affects : STR By 1
Only those who are at least among the most highly skilled thieves, and have attained level forty in at least two classes may use this item.

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