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Re: Sorry for extra spam - Pal , 06.12.2002 08:00 MSK
This will in no way disrupt any sense of roleplaying or is it meant to be. Most of the information is taken right off of our map room while other was story lined and some was even taken from an old sloth2 page. This is mostly meant for newbies and players who telnet into sloth and do not have the luxury of our web page. Also, this should come in quite handy for relatively new players who cant seem to reach our web page, because it does tend to go down alot. If some people feel it will ruin part of the game, Im sorry. I never meant it that way.
Pearl brought it to my attention that the entire BH library was incorrect, could you imagine a true newbie going there and reading the miles of misinformation? Im basically trying to come up with as many newbie friendly ideas as possible, this includes help files. So feel free to email me ideas.


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