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Re: гыгы... глюки - Gera , 30.12.2002 16:18 MSK
West Gate
This is the west gate of the port city of Bal Harbor. A wide dirt
roadway leads in between a pair of squarish-looking guard towers into the
city to the east, and to west disappears into a flat grassy plain. Visible
to the far west is what appears to be a forest or jungle that rims the
entire western horizon. To the east, the roadway can be seen to lead into
a distant town square.
Exits: East West Up
A plump date lies here.
A large note dispenser, with a button on the top, is here against the wall.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A big, important-looking sign titled 'New Player Info' stands here.
A tall, black-skinned Red Sash looks around alertly.
A Lieutenant of the Red Sash is standing here.

< 825hp 572ma 240mv >
help tel

Usage: cast 'telepathy'
Accumulative: -
Duration: 10 hours
Level: Mage 10
Save: NA
Spellbook: ??
Min mana: 15

The caster's mind is opened to the the thoughts of others. Be warned that
while sometimes this can gain valuable information, mostly the thoughts
of others are fairly inane.

< 825hp 572ma 240mv >
cast 'tel'
Point Lorelei
Exits: North East Down

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )