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like my description? - Zam , 01.01.2003 23:18 MSK
Zam's Vault
Two long rows of pew-like benches are lined up on either side of a
burgundy runner in the center of the marble tiled floor. This room is
enormous with a high cathedral ceiling paneled with stained glass, and tall
stained glass windows along the two outer walls. The effect is quite
lovely during certain hours of the day, but rather disturbing during others
when the light streaming through the windows resembles the light from a
blazing fire. The acoustics in here are astounding, and every footfall,
every whisper echoes throughout the room reaching every corner with
impressive volume. Two doors on the western wall flank a high wooden
podium, its dark surface varnished and polished to a high sheen. A rune
resembling a sea-goat has been sketched into the ground here.
Exits: Down
  • Re: :) - Dan , 01.01.2003 23:33 MSK

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