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HP mob reporter script for zmud.. - Delving , 19.01.2003 00:30 MSK
у мобов есть 7 вариантов HP , соответственно делим 100% HP на 7 и получаем что разница в 14%
1. is in an excellent condition 100% HP
2. as a few scratches 82-99% HP
3. has some small wounds and bruises 66-82% HP
4. has quite a few wounds 49-66% HP
5. has some big nasty wounds and scratches 33-49% HP
6. looks pretty hurt 16-33% HP
7. is in an awful condition 1-16% HP

для того чтобы сделать mob HP reporter требуется соответственно 7 триггеров

1. для удобства их отключения лучше их засунуть в отельную папку mobreporter

#CLASS {mobreporter}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) is in an excellent condition.} {grouptell %1 in an excellent condition. "[0%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has a few scratches.} {grouptell %1 has a few scratches "[1-16%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has some small wounds and bruises} {grouptell %1 some small wounds and bruises "[16-33%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has some big nasty wounds and scratches.} {grouptell %1 some big nasty wounds and scratches "[49-66%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has quite a few wounds} {grouptell %1 quite a few wounds "[33-49%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) looks pretty hurt} {grouptell %1 pretty hurt "[66-82%]" R.I.P.}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) is in an awful condition.} {grouptell %1 AWFUL "[82-99%]" R.I.P.}

и так, если зайти в меню то там должна быть папка , в которой будут находиться эти триггеры
Если не получилось , ниже напишу немного другой способ

Включение/отключение HP mob reporter

в этом случае нужно отключать всю папку mobreporter с триггерами,это делается командой
#t- mobreporter
соответственно , нужно два алиаса на выключение и включение
#ALIAS mobreporteron {#t+ mobreporter;grouptell HP mob reporter ON}
#ALIAS mobreporteroff {#t- mobreporter;grouptell HP mob reporter OFF}

или кнопка

#BUTTON 2 {Mob Report OFF} {#t+ mobreporter;grouptell HP mob reporter ON} {Mob Report ON} {#t- mobreporter;grouptell HP mob reporter OFF} {} {1} {} {Size} {90} {20} {} {} {} {79} {47} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}

2. если триггеры не находяться в отдельной папке , тогда вводим переменную mobreporter

#TRIGGER {^(%1) is in an excellent condition.} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 in an excellent condition. "[0%]" R.I.P.} {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has a few scratches.} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 has a few scratches "[1-16%]" R.I.P. {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has some small wounds and bruises} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 some small wounds and bruises "[16-33%]" R.I.P. {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has some big nasty wounds and scratches.} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 some big nasty wounds and scratches "[49-66%]" R.I.P. {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) has quite a few wounds} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 quite a few wounds "[33-49%]" R.I.P. {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) looks pretty hurt} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 pretty hurt "[66-82%]" R.I.P. {} }
#TRIGGER {^(%1) is in an awful condition.} {#if @mobreporter {grouptell %1 AWFUL "[82-99%]" R.I.P. {} }

Включение/отключение HP mob reporter

#ALIAS mobreporteron #var mobreporter 1;grouptell HP mob reporter ON}
#ALIAS mobreporteroff {#var mobreporter 0;grouptell HP mob reporter OFF}


#BUTTON 2 {Mob Report OFF} {#var mobreporter 1;grouptell HP mob reporter ON} {Mob Report ON} {#var mobreporter 0;grouptell HP mob reporter OFF} {} {1} {} {Size} {90} {20} {} {} {} {79} {47} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2}


#TRIGGER {^(%1) seems to be blinded!} {grouptell %1 BLINDED!!! *.*}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) briefly reveals a red aura!} {grouptell %1 CURSED!...}
#TRIGGER {^(%1) is enmeshed in thick webs!} {grouptell %1 WEBBED!!! XXX}


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