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Re: Статистика (Внеси свою лепту) - . , 10.03.2003 13:24 MSK
w/o EQ

Belarus the Lowbie {nothing} (on AH) (level: 40)
Your levels: Ma: 40 Cl: 40 Th: 34 Wa: 20
You are 48 years old.
You are a citizen of Bal Harbor.
You spread goodness and joy everywhere you go.
You have 408(505) hit, 306(358) mana and 149(182) movement points.
Your armor class is 8.0.
You have +1 to hit and 0 on damage.
You have 43580 gold coins.
You have 78063855 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 61 days and 6 hours.
Str: 15 / 0, Int: 18, Wis: 18, Dex: 16, Con: 12
You are resting.
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Invisible
Sense Life

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )