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Я ташшусь... - Rlim Shaikorth , 10.06.2003 12:12 MSK
.. с того как народ багфиксы делает.
Парри говорите пофиксили?

Rlim Shaikorth, Ognennoe Yaico! (level: 20)
Your levels: Wa: 20 Cl: 20 Ma: 20 Th: 15
You are 26 years old.
You are a citizen of Valkyre.
You have a heart of blackest evil.
You have 236(468) hit, 28(161) mana and 151(151) movement points.
Your armor class is -6.4.
You have 54812 gold coins.
You have four drachma.
You have 12999450 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 16 days and 19 hours.
Str: 18 / 100, Int: 10, Wis: 17, Dex: 18, Con: 18
You are standing.
You will parry.
You are affected by the following spells:
Stone Skin

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