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! - . , 01.08.2003 00:28 MSK
*Wizards of SlothMUD III*
[ *Sea*Monster* ] Splork afk leave message

[pri sec ter qua] Players
[ *Cutthroat* ] Zam is, very, poisonous
[ *Magus* ] Plus +++
[ *Juggernaut* ] Soi > ^GDI^ < wtb/wtt bloodstone ring
[ *Knight* ] Bubba is afkish at work [AH]
[ *Theurgist* ] Orion the Dark Wizard
[ *Myrmidon* ] Aleksey ~WISH MASTER~WTB diamond studded gauntlets
[40w 40c 40t 33m] Yasik hells well
[40m 40c 40t 29w] Kuzia :(
[40w 40c 40m 29t] Lucy
[40c 40m 40t 26w] Krok Everything for minvis sb. :)
[40t 40m 39c 25w] Polk a dot
[40t 40m 39w 23c] Maldor wtb talisman of flame, cinq cps
[40w 40t 35c 28m] Talm island gold $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
[40c 40t 33m 23w] Zeek .
[40w 40m 30c 25t] Ardin Prince of Amber
[40m 40c 30w 20t] Belloc 1.7bil till lyme
[40n 40c 27o 18m] Daemeon servant of the Lich King
[40n 37d 19t 12o] Eneac 11010011 [Niebelung]
[40w 28t 22m 14c] Mobrex xerboM
[34m 25w 18c 6d] Borgle does Bal Harbour
[23o 20c 20m 18t] Kwai Chang Caine has been banished from Valk [bh]!
[20c 20d 17m 9o] Denzo Iridium
[20m 20t 15w 12c] Enllil the Chaos Mage
[15w 10c 7m 1t] Phillip The Barbaric Warrior
[12m 9c 5o 3b] Malison wants quickling shield
[ 8o 0m 1c 2t] Aeon ...afkish
[ 1t 0c 0m 0b] Ytir the Untitled
There are 28 visible players.
Highest total since last bootup: 40.

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )