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Re: Вооот - .kitn , 06.09.2003 21:20 MSK
: Vekna Posledniaia Gadiuka! (level: 15)
: Your levels: Ne: 15 Cl: 8 Wa: 6
: You are 17 years old.
: You are a citizen of Valkyre.
: You are starting to get a little peckish.
: You have a heart of blackest evil.
: You have 150(175) hit, 185(193) mana and 82(82) movement points.
: Your armor class is 5.8.
: You have 25512 gold coins.
: You have 260041 unused experience points.
: You have been playing for 1 days and 11 hours.
: Str: 14 / 0, Int: 18, Wis: 17, Dex: 14, Con: 17
: You are standing.
: You are affected by the following spells:

если ты про статсы - то роллить.
хотя для валькира сойдет


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