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5x40 Item, Stats, Permaspells (repost) - Zam , 20.02.2004 00:58 MSK
5x40 Item, Stats, Permaspells

5x40 Item Options

You pick the name

It's a light, and it's held high.

You pick two of the following abilities:
1dam, +4 mana regen, 1stat point (Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con), +5hp regen, +25hp, +25ma, -.2ac

Any stat can be doubled, but you can't double REGEN.

Example: A big stick -0.4 ac

A really cool object +2 Dmg

For those Avatars that have reached 5x40 Status and wish to improve there stats.

Gain 2 Billion exps.
Visit the Mayor of Lyme
Type Level and receive a token
Once you get 2 tokens you can buy a perm spell for 2 mill coins
Once you get 5 tokens you can buy a stat point from the mayor for 15 mill coins
Type List to see what you can buy from the Mayor.

strength - 5 experience tokens + 15000000 coins.
intelligence - 5 experience tokens + 15000000 coins.
wisdom - 5 experience tokens + 15000000 coins.
dexterity - 5 experience tokens + 15000000 coins.
constitution - 5 experience tokens + 15000000 coins.

detect evil - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
detect invisible - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
detect magic - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
sense life - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
protection from evil - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
mindbar - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
sneak - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
hide - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
fly - 2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
darksight -2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
infravision -2 experience tokens + 2000000 coins.
undead visage -3 experience tokens + 5000000 coins.
resist fire -3 experience tokens + 6000000 coins.
resist cold -3 experience tokens + 6000000 coins.
stalk -3 experience tokens + 10000000 coins.
elemental resistance -5 experience tokens + 10000000 coins.

5 Mana -3 experience tokens + 5000000 coins.
5 Moves -3 experience tokens + 5000000 coins.
5 HPs -3 experience tokens + 5000000 coins.

charisma -5 experience tokens + 10000000 coins
Undead Control -5 experience tokens + 10000000 coins
damage reduction -5 experience tokens + 10000000 coins.

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )