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Welcome to the land of Sloth III???!!!! - Kuzia , 01.04.2004 19:22 MSK
: The long awaited release of Sloth V is finally here (Yea, we skipped version 4). After over six years of running Sloth III, we are pleased to announce the official next release of Sloth. We've worked very hard to bring you this new release and we hope that you enjoy it. The changes are too numerous to name here - and I wouldn't want to spoil the the discovery of our new features. So dive in and play!
: Those six years were a blast, lets hope that Sloth V lasts even longer.
: In order to help you guys out with getting your new characters started, we're going to allow equipment to pop at more frequent pop rates for the first week or so.
: --
: Jake

Welcome to the land of Sloth III. May your visit here be... Interesting.

Welcome! This is now your character in Sloth Mud III.
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