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Vo blin.... - Sage , 26.09.2004 11:35 MSK
< 625hp 793ma 107mv >
ff ghost
The ghost of the barber hates your guts!
The ghost of the barber vanishes in a burning wind.

< 625hp 793ma 107mv >
Your zap passes right through the ghost of the barber!
You are viciously massacred by the ghost of the barber's hit.
That Really did HURT!
You are viciously massacred by the ghost of the barber's hit.
That Really did HURT!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING that much!
You have been KILLED!!

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Lie still; you are DEAD!!! :-(

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
You feel yourself floating upward...

< -151hp 793ma 108mv >
Wise The Sage (level: 40)
Your levels: Ma: 40 Cl: 40 Dr: 40 Ne: 37
You are 28 years and 8 months old.
You are a citizen of Bal Harbor.
Your throat is starting to get dry.
You are an example to us all.
You have (-151/611+28) hit, (793/709+0) mana and (108/148+28) movement points.
Your armor class is 0.9.
You have +2 to hit and +3 on damage.
You have 78899 gold coins.
You have four hundred and fifty-five drachma.
You have 588801941 unused experience points.
You have been playing for 38 days and 2 hours.
Str: 18 / 10, Int: 18, Wis: 18, Dex: 17, Con: 16
You are DEAD!
You have 4 mirror images nearby.
You are affected by the following spells:
Detect Invisible
Sense Life
Stone Skin
Nature's Revival

P.S. na etom ghoste ja nikogda Sanc ne stavliu....

Пароль: ( только для авторизации )