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Саппликанты - Том первый (а где взять второй?) - Ferrum , 21.01.2006 23:16 MSK
Вот купил у аптекаря на острове монографию, хотелось бы прочесть и второй том про evil.

read monograph
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| A Supplicant's Bestiary |
| Vol I. Good |
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| by Yochai of Lyme Town |
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< < < < < < < < < < < < < Table of Contents > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Chan Chu

read lares
The LARES takes this name from LARGIOR, for he is the soul of a
generous and benevolent man. These spirits are very common in the
Heavens. When found in the Earthly Coil, they can fight adequately
but exhibit none of the powers seen in other Angelic Beings.

read peri
The PERI is a kind of fairy from the Sunset Lands. She is modest
and shy. People say she is skilled in the arts of healing, but
always defers from joining battle herself. She also can bestow a
blessing even more potent than that Famous Spell available to Man.
Mankind should aspire to emulate these beings, for even though they are
Foreign and Strange, they show a virtue seen rarely in these parts.

read einheri
EINHERIAR are souls of valiant mortals who were slain in battle.
They now spend their time in martial training in the Heavens. Every
day they wake at cock-crow and go to battle, fighting until they are
all cut to pieces. Each night they are reborn just in time for a feast.
This training prepares them for their role in the Final Battle.
The cycle of the Einheri is symbolic of the Passage of Man, who
should acquit himself nobly in this life that he may Feast in the next.

read xag-ya
The XAG-YA is so named after its mating call, which is heard rarely.
These beings are the male of the species and hail not from the Heavens
but from one of the magical strata, that of Healing. To our debased
perceptions they seem simple balls of light, but amongst their native
fields they are said to have a complex and beautiful form.
The female, or XEG-YI, is very dangerous. She is the opposite of the
Male in all things, and dwells in the foul stratum of Necromancy. The
less said of her, the better.

read eudaemon
The EUDAEMON is the good species of daemon, whose counterpoint is the
CACODAEMON. The Eudaemon is a guardian spirit, who watches over a
mortal and keeps him out of trouble. When manifest, he heals wounds,
cures diseases, and can also remedy a panoply of other problems that
afflict us poor souls who still walk this earthly realm.

read kachina
The KACHINA has the head of an owl, and is named after one of his many
mellifluous calls. He is a spirit of bounty, and is particularly
symbolic of the bounty of nature. I have heard that his presence is an
aid to fishing. When summoned, he brings a rich cornucopia of gifts.

read djinn
The DJINN or GENIE is a benign wind spirit from the same lands as the
PERI. The fact that he aids both the apparent Heathens in those environs
and also our own folk is a great Mystery. Some say it means that their
Gods and our own are faces of the same Ineffable Forces. This, gentle
reader, is the basest heresy. The true and correct Explanation is that
there are good and upright Djinni who follow our righteous religions,
and there are base and defiled Djinni who, though apparently similar,
still follow the ways of Error.
A Djinn can, if ordered, grab a foe and surround him in an impenetrable
whirlwind made from his own flesh, which has much of the substance of Air
about it. He can also (if told to 'blow') control the winds, to the
great benefit of ships plying the waters.

read chan chu
The CHAN CHU is a type of Frog from the ponds of the Heaven of Riches.
As such it has great affinity for gold. It finds coins under rocks and
in lost places; also when it is near a hoard, the tendency of the hoard
to Increase is even greater than its normal wont. Incidentally, it is
evident from said tendency (not as enhanced by the Chan Chu but as found
in nature) that it is the Will of the Gods that the rich and the poor
occupy their present Seats, for does not money tend to flow from the Poor
to the Rich, and if it was not Their will that it be so then how could it
Some say that dogs to whom a live frog is given in a lump of food do
not bark thereafter.

The THUNDERBIRD is so named in the mistaken belief that it generates the
storms, for its size is so vast that it is often thought to be a dark
cloud passing the sun. However, in this Enlightened Age we know that a
variety of other spirits, especially such Giants as the Drangr, are the
true and Physical explanation for that.
The Thunderbird can be used as transport, even between the multiple
islands and continents of the world. Some say that there is only
one of these beings.

read seraph
The SERAPH, who in the manner of the old tongue when congregated are
called SERAPHIM rather than the vulgar "Seraphs", constitute one of the
ranks of Angels closest to the Gods. These beings appear to mortals as
a Conglomeration of Wings, like a dense and turbulent flock of Doves.
They function usually as messengers for the Divine, but when sent as
aid (e.g. responding to a supplication) they carry with them divine
Grace. This has the effect of speeding regeneration; also of removing
various dire effects.

read valkyrie
The VALKYRIE are shield maidens of the more martial Gods. They also are
sent to fetch spirits of brave warriors upon their death, who then become
EINHERIAR. Having this Role, Valkyrie are of course brave fighters. They
have lovely voices, but rarely sing for mortals. I have heard it rumored
that they may join in with war-cries.

read archangel
Mightiest of the Benign Spirits is the ARCHANGEL. The Gods have granted
these wise beings the power over life and death. In addition to that,
they are valiant fighters. They appear usually in the classical form of
winged men, although they can change shape and have been known to appear
as Beggars or even Lepers that they may test the charity of men.
If you are slain while an Archangel fights at your side, he may seize
your departing soul and restore it to your body.

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