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Re: TOTAL WIPE - Bazilus , 11.04.2009 06:01 MSK

Splork gossips-- 'alright guys, I have a few things to say'
Nia gossips-- 'he's a talker'
Splork gossips-- 'first and foremost, Id like to say thanks to everyone for playing and I have had a great time here'
Splork gossips-- 'but my time has come'
Splork gossips-- 'so today, I am leaving SlothMud III'
Splork gossips-- 'officially retired!'
Splork gossips-- 'I think you guys enjoyed the last day havent you?'
Splork gossips-- 'and on that note'
Splork gossips-- 'lets get to the state of sloth'
Splork gossips-- 'and its new direction'
Splork gossips-- 'clink and i returned about a half year ago from a small hiatus'
Splork gossips-- 'the numbers were low'
Splork gossips-- 'weve made some changes to increase those, applications, code, etc'
Splork gossips-- 'but we believe we are tapped out'
Splork gossips-- 'so behind the scenes, for many hours of many days'
Splork gossips-- 'a few of us have been working hard'
Splork gossips-- 'to add some things to sloth that we believe will help push us to a new and better place'
Splork gossips-- 'and these changes require, what we believe, a reset'
Splork gossips-- 'sloth will be better than ever'
Splork gossips-- 'in the next version'
Splork gossips-- 'and we hope you will continue to support our game by playing it'
Splork gossips-- 'contributing in whatever way is possible for you'
Splork gossips-- 'some of the changes I have mentioned jokingly today'
Splork gossips-- 'we have new areas'
Splork gossips-- 'new ac code'
Splork gossips-- 'new stat code, too much to list really'
Clink gossips-- 'new concentration code!'
Clink gossips-- 'don't forget that!'
Splork gossips-- 'we will not call ourselves tapmud'
Splork gossips-- 'but we are Sloth'
Splork gossips-- 'over the course of the next day or two'
Splork gossips-- 'we will keep you posted via our website'
Splork gossips-- 'of the changes'
Splork gossips-- 'i just want to say this'
Splork gossips-- 'we appreciate you guys more than you know'
Splork gossips-- 'and the time you spend here'
Splork gossips-- 'if you choose not to play again'
Splork gossips-- 'we understand'
Splork gossips-- 'but we hope, in our hearts, that you give us a chance'
Splork gossips-- 'we believe, the changes will help push sloth into the year 2020'
Splork gossips-- 'if we sat back and did nothing, we would be dead next year'
Splork gossips-- 'so please, understand, and give us a chance!'

Splork gossips-- 'comments, curses'
Splork gossips-- 'shoot'

Clink gossips-- 'exactly what will happen is this'
Splork gossips-- 'we will be saving your password'
Splork gossips-- 'you will have access to your names'
Clink gossips-- 'you will still have your password'
Clink gossips-- 'it is happening imminently'
Clink gossips-- 'new stat system'
Splork gossips-- 'yes, eq has been changed'
Splork gossips-- 'eq can have 5 affects now'
Clink gossips-- 'old characters will be available after 1 month'
Splork gossips-- 'some eq will take your affects over 18 for more bonuses'
Splork gossips-- 'this is everyone's home away from home'
Splork gossips-- 'if thats the case, we are sorry to see you leave'
Clink gossips-- 'we hope that you guys will give it a try, and if youd don't like it'
Clink gossips-- 'we undersatnd'
Clink gossips-- 'but we also know that many of you would have left anyway soon'
Splork gossips-- 'this much i can say, give it a try and you will want to continue playing this game'
Clink gossips-- 'the mud will be down for less than 2 days'
Splork gossips-- 'our entire pbase is 90% avatar'
Splork gossips-- 'with nothing to do but buy stats'
Splork gossips-- 'its a reset'
Splork gossips-- ':)'
Clink gossips-- 'believe me, we had many many arguments and discussions about ways to do this without a reset'
Splork gossips-- 'and that backbone has been quitting monthly shyla'
Splork gossips-- 'if we sit back and do nothing, we are dead in a yr'
Juggleblood gossips-- 'the changes might also generate new intrest to old players'
Clink gossips-- 'and hope we can continue to have fun'
Splork gossips-- 'we are not going back to the old pfiles'
Splork gossips-- 'we are firmly commited to this reset'
Splork gossips-- 'yes, except for names'
Juggleblood gossips-- 'no vaults either i'm afraid'
Clink gossips-- 'pthieving is not returning'
Splork gossips-- 'names will only be kept for a month'
Splork gossips-- 'log in and claim them'
Clink gossips-- 'lots different dubs'
Clink gossips-- 'combat, skills, spells, areas, stats...'
Splork gossips-- 'yes we would seriously considor immorting deb'
Splork gossips-- 'as a player relations'
Splork gossips-- 'the code is done guys'
Splork gossips-- 'our downtime will be a day if that'
Splork gossips-- 'I am hopiung u guys can compete for levels'
Splork gossips-- 'starting tomorrow night'
Splork gossips-- 'we have busted our asses'
Splork gossips-- 'to make sure, u guys can play right away'
Clink gossips-- 'that said...we will have fixes and bugs'
Splork gossips-- 'and see for yourselves, what a new, but yet old game sloth is'
Clink gossips-- 'so please be a little patient with us if something ain't exactly as intended at first'
Clink gossips-- 'it will be the same address and port'
Splork gossips-- 'please log in and check skills and spells'
Splork gossips-- 'somethings have changed'
Clink gossips-- 'there are also a lot of changes you won't see until you get more levels'
Splork gossips-- 'change at a time'
Splork gossips-- 'please keep looking'
Clink gossips-- 'and there will be stuff you have to find on your own :)'
Clink gossips-- 'partly because we didn't have time to write down all that we changed'
Splork gossips-- 'rerolling has been changed slightly also'
Juggleblood gossips-- 'when you start you have to choose between hedgehog or lizard race'
Splork gossips-- 'you will be given a set of stats to choose from at level 8'
Splork gossips-- 'we are sad, trust me, type who and see our who list'
Splork gossips-- 'we never imagined sloth would last 18 years'
Splork gossips-- 'did any of you?'
Splork gossips-- 'can we ask everyone now'
Splork gossips-- 'log in ur chars'
Clink gossips-- 'there are others, too'
Splork gossips-- 'we would like a who list'
Splork gossips-- 'even if you decide to quit'
Clink gossips-- 'multiplay all you want right now'
Splork gossips-- 'you will have the memory of the who list'
Clink gossips-- 'but multiplaying won't be allowed in the new game'
Clink gossips-- 'it will take brad 45 minutes to do it'

Splork gossips-- 'u will have access to all 8 classes on every character'
Splork gossips-- 'u will pick ur classo by walking to the guild and gaining levels'
Splork gossips-- 'yes 9x40'
Splork gossips-- 'u will have avatar class still'
Splork gossips-- 'exp is same for first 4 classes'
Splork gossips-- 'ac is linear'
Splork gossips-- '5.5 is better then 5.4'
Splork gossips-- 'and then yes, they raise linearly'
Splork gossips-- 'stats go to 25'
Splork gossips-- 'each stat gets one more with each 40'
Splork gossips-- 'stuff like this'
Splork gossips-- 'same code'
Splork gossips-- 'just minor tweaks, or major'

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