Eq/Mobs Linking Engine [ step 1 ]
Item Type:
Worn on Feet
Item Name:
pair of ragged leather boots
Mobile Area:
AH, Aisholm
AH, Alana's Temple
AH, The Beach
AH, Castle Black
AH, Castle Zodiac
AH, Castle Zodiac Addon
AH, Chaeston
AH, City of Ice
AH, The Cliffs
AH, The Clipper
AH, Crypt
AH, Dark Dreams
AH, Dark Tower
AH, Da Yoopers
AH, The Ether
AH, Iceglen
AH, The Far North
AH, Hellwell
AH, The Highlands
AH, The Hive
AH, Judge's Temple
AH, Mage Tower
AH, Moose & Elks
AH, The North
AH, The Ocean
AH, The Penguins
AH, The Plane of Air
AH, The Plane of Earth
AH, The Plane of Fire
AH, The Plane of Water
AH, Negative Energy Plane
AH, Positive Energy Plane
AH, Sakura Garden
AH, Summit of mount Mordi
AH, The Tundra
AH, The Unseen University
AH, Zwolfs
BH, Arena
BH, Asylum
BH, Bal Harbor
BH, Balrog's Temple
BH, The Bar
BH, Catacombs
BH, The Castle
BH, The Clouds
BH, Crystal Falls
BH, The Dark Covenant
BH, Dragon Mountain
BH, Drexel
BH, Duergars
BH, Eden
BH, Emerald Mines
BH, Firenewts
BH, The Garden
BH, Gnolls
BH, The Greek Forest
BH, Goblins
BH, Hell
BH, Jake's Temple
BH, Jungle
BH, Kara'sa
BH, Kobolds
BH, The Kuo-Toans
BH, Temple of Luna
BH, The Matterhorn
BH, Nia's Temple
BH, North
BH, Qucklings
BH, The Park
BH, Pirate Area
BH, School of Cholemry
BH, Sewers
BH, Sun Temple
BH, Tomb of the Forever King
BH, The Volcano
BH, The Wagons
BH, Were Area
BH, Westwood
BH, Witches
SS, The Arboretum
SS, Barovia
SS, The Beach
SS, Castle of Perseverance
SS, Centaurs
SS, Crematorium
SS, The Demonweb
SS, Derros
SS, The Desert
SS, Dwarven Mountain
SS, Dwarven Stronghold
SS, The Elves
SS, Ettins
SS, Fairys
SS, Fairy's Rest Tree
SS, Four Towers Arena
SS, Grymlyns
SS, Kendermore
SS, The Labyrinth
SS, M.A.G.I.C.
SS, Mansion of the Mourned
SS, The Maw
SS, Ming's Temple
SS, Phantom Creek
SS, The Pyramid
SS, Ravenloft
SS, River of Blood
SS, Sahaguins
SS, Settlestone
SS, Southern Settlestone
SS, Temple of Fiends
SS, Temple Ruins
SS, City of Theris
SS, Temple of Tower
SS, Town of the Undead
SS, Underdark
SS, Underdark II
SS, Vampire Lair
SS, Xanthippe
TH, Forest of Aaost
TH, Deemones
TH, Canaa and Canaa's warf
TH, Enea's Temple
TH, The Fireworks
TH, Island
TH, Manor
TH, The Mansion
TH, Maze
TH, Midgaard
TH, Orc Mines
TH, Siren Rock
TH, The Tabaxi Wilds
TH, Tarot
TH, Tell Makor
TH, Thalassas
TH, Town of Thalassas
TH, Upper Thalassas
TH, Valley of the Great Ones
TH, Cicero's Prison
TH, Castle R'lyeh
TH, Valley of the Mages
TH, Infernite Mines
Lyme, Chapel of the Lost Cross
Lyme, Ch'ung Kuo
Lyme, Den of Thieves
Lyme, Ebony Tower
Lyme, Grove of Darkness
Lyme, Town
Lyme, Sewers
Lyme, Olympus
Lyme, Pagoda
Lyme, Poseidon Realm
Lyme, Temple of Blood
Lyme, Temple of Poseidon
Lyme, Temple of Tony
Lyme, Temple of Uranus
Lyme, Valley of Dust and Fire
Lyme, Irapuete
Lyme, Shadowlands
Lyme, Semester
Lyme, Valey of the Maul titans
Valkyre, Autumnal Forest
Valkyre, Newbatia Town
Valkyre, Mud School
Valkyre, The Circus
Valkyre, The Shadows
Valkyre, The Boardwalk
Valkyre, Daar Tempest
Valkyre, Fokner Forest
Valkyre, Star City Entrance
Valkyre, City of Stars
Valkyre, Temple of Blaster
Valkyre, Tiger Glen
Valkyre, The Waterfalls
Valkyre, Chessboard
Valkyre, Mystical Fens