type: Worn on Fingers
name: silver serpentine ring
AC: -0.0
attributes: +1INT +5MA
restrictions: NM NC NT NW (OR)
look: A small silver ring with the head of a snake has been left on the ground.
desc: Glinting dully from the burnished gold it is comprised of, this ring has
small, jutting spikes around the edge.
identify: Object 'serpentine serpent ring silver', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 2, Value: 8000
AC-apply is -0.0
Can affect you as :
Affects : INT By 1
Affects : MANA By 5
Only those who are at least novice magic users or novice clerics, or novice
thieves, or novice warriors may use this item.
mobiles: evil druid man ( SS, Xanthippe )

add mob

added: by Falca , 28.12.2001 19:15 MSK