type: Held Low
name: fish symbol
AC: -0.2
attributes: +1STR
restrictions: ApT ApW (OR)
look: A small round disc with the ideograph of a fish lies face up.
desc: This silver symbol is circular and could fit in the palm of your hand. In
the center a fine tree is rendered lovingly, every leaf in exact detail.
identify: Object 'fish symbol', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 2, Value: 185000
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as :
Affects : STR By 1
Only those who are at least apprentice thieves or apprentice warriors may
use this item.
mobiles: siren maiden ( BH, Pirate Area )

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added: by Falca , 29.12.2001 01:07 MSK