type: Worn on Feet
name: pair of emerald slippers
AC: -0.0
attributes: +10MANA
restrictions: HM HC ApT ApW (AND)
look: A pair of emerald slippers is sitting here..It emits a faint humming sound!
desc: The slippers are made of fine leather and encrusted with dozens of
brilliantly cut emerald stones...It emits a faint humming sound!
identify: Object 'slippers emerald', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: HUM MAGIC
Weight: 8, Value: 328000
AC-apply is -0.0
Can affect you as :
Affects : MANA By 10
Only those who are at least among the most highly skilled magic users
and also among the most highly skilled clerics and apprentice thieves and apprentice warriors may use this item.
mobiles: Vendrik Diabolos ( AH, The Far North )

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added: by Mind , 29.12.2001 03:11 MSK